This is not your typical company blog.

On our blog, we discuss all manners of topics covering legal work, information, and technologies.


We believe that our products have to support what lawyers do and operate within a connected system of processes and technologies.

Our blog covers more than just our company and what we do. We want to share information that might be helpful as you think about the past, present and future of legal work, people, data, business, and technologies.

Design, Visualization, Technology Horace Wu Design, Visualization, Technology Horace Wu

Using visualizations to represent structural legal data in transactions

When people think of lawyers, they generally think of lawyers using words on a page or words spoken in court. Unless they have worked with lawyers through the planning and strategizing stages of a case, most people do not think of lawyers as visual creatures. The lucky few who have worked with lawyers extensively may know that, contrary to popular opinion, lawyers rely heavily on visualizations, like flowcharts and structure diagrams…

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