BWD and Syntheia announce annual report project

About BWD

BWD is an advisory firm that specialises in sustainable business strategy. Among their broad range of services, BWD helps companies prepare attractive and compelling reporting suites.

Partnership on company reporting documents

We are excited to announce that Syntheia and BWD have joined efforts to explore how the labor-intensive task of generating annual reports can be made easier for companies.

This partnership most recently utilized Syntheia's text extraction software to generate a database of Australian company report content. This database will be used to progress our product research goals.

Adam Alexander, Head of Technology at BWD, says:

"Annual reports are curious documents produced at the intersection of regulation, data, corporate strategy, and investor relations. They are highly variable in structure, content and presentation format across industries, often more akin to magazines than legal documents.

Syntheia's API allowed us to extract information from these complex documents for analysis and enable further product development in the space. Their API is robust and performant, as proven by its digestion of 370,000 pages at more than 99.9% success rate. Most importantly, the team lead by Horace was responsive in collaborating and troubleshooting edge cases as we progressed through this mammoth task together.

An impressive amount of time, thinking and engineering has gone into this software by the Syntheia team and it shows in the results."

We look forward to sharing more news about this project with you in the future.

About Syntheia’s text extraction APIs

In order to achieve Syntheia’s core mission to improve access to and efficiency of working with legal information, we commit significant research and development efforts to creating and maintaining our state of the art text extraction technologies.

Extracting text accurately is vital for a variety of downstream processes, including many tasks that rely on natural language processing. Our software extracts text from documents in a structured manner and in the correct reading order, giving end users the data necessary to form a rich understanding of the input documents.

Our text extraction technologies are available through a number of APIs, including our “Clause Extractor”. Please contact for more information.


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